Water & Acid Leak Detection Locating Solution
With FG-ALS4 Unit
Four zones leak detection and location unit FG-ALS4 : The FG-ALS4, an innovative and cost effective solution for water leak detection and acid leak detection. It is accurate and easy to install and to use, ideal for small and medium applications where accurate leak location is required.
Four detection zones are available on this small unit, it can control up to 45 metres of water or acid sense cable per zone. A touch-screen gives clear indications of the system status. 5 relays are integrated and RS485 serial link with MODBUS /JBUS communication protocol for interfacing with BMS is available.
Water sense cable FG-ECS : The FG-ECS sense cable has a spliced junction with a length of 3.5 metres of jumper cable and an end termination. It detects the presence of water and base liquids at any point along its length. The FG-ECS sense cable is designed to be connected to analog alarms (FG-ALS8, FG-ALS4, FG-ALS & FG-A) or digital units (FG-NET & FG-SYS, via diversion box FG-DTCS). It detects and locates the leak when connected with locating units.
Acid sense cable FG-ACS : The FG-ACS sense cable has a spliced junction with a length of 3.5 metres of jumper cable and an end termination. It detects the presence of acid and corrosive chemical liquids at any point along its length. The FG-ACS sense cable is designed to be connected to analog alarms (FG-ALS8, FG-ALS4, FG-ALS & FG-A) or digital units (FG-NET & FG-SYS, via diversion box FG-DTCS). It detects and locates the leak when connected with locating units.