Sense Cables
For Water / Acids Leak Detection & Location
Water Sense Cables
Water Sense Cables
The FG-EC digital and addressable sense cable (with microprocessor and a high visibility LED embedded) detects and pin-points the location of water and base liquids leaks at any point along its length. The FG-EC is insensitive to dust and metal particle contaminations, and, what’s more, from 1st July 2019, all FG-EC cables are made in low smoke zero halogen (LSZH or LZ0H) materials, it emits limited smoke and no halogen when exposed to high sources of heat.
Water Sense Cables
The FG-ECS works in two ways: When connected to the locating unit it detects and pin-points the position of the leak ~or~ when connected to the non-locating unit it detects the leak without pin-point mapping. To one end is 3.5 metres of TTK BUS 8723 jumper cable, whilst to the other there is an end termination enabling quick connection. From 1st July 2019, all FG-ECS cables are made in low smoke zero halogen (LSZH or LZ0H) materials, it emits limited smoke and no halogen when exposed to high sources of heat.
Water Sense Cables
The FG-ECX sense cable is analogue and designed to be connected to the FG-ALS8, FG-ALS4 and FG-A units. This cable detects and pin-points the location of leaks when it is connected to the locating units; and detects leaks without specific mapping when connected to the non-locating unit. The FG-ECX sense cable is made with special Low Smoke Zero Halogen materials (LSZH or LS0H).
Water Sense Cables
The FG-ECB sense cable is specially designed for pipes solution. It is to be belt on the bottom of the suspended pipes. An external polyethylene based braided jacket keeps water around the cable thus assures an efficient detection. The FG-ECB sense cable is a non-absorbent design that can be reused after leaks.
Water Point Sensor
Water Point Sensor
The FG-ECP point sensor is available in three models (U-shape, L-shape and customized) to suit different environments and has been developed to provide quick detection of water leaks.
Water Point Sensor
FG-ECP-M is designed and ideally suited for high humidity environments, with its ingenious design of two probes, it offers particularly good resistance to the false alarms caused by the humidity.
Acids Sense Cables
Acids Sense Cables
The FG-AC cable detects and pin-points the location of acids and corrosive chemical liquid leaks at any point along its length. It is made of a corrosion and abrasion resistant material that can be reused after cleaning. Being digital and addressable (microprocessor embedded) the FG-AC cable is insensitive to dust and metal particle contaminations, and, what’s more, each cable has a high visibility LED to provide quick identification of the cable status.
Acids Sense Cables
The FG-ACS sense cable detects and pin-points leak location when connected to the locating units, or detects without specific mapping when connected to the non-locating unit. It has a length of 3.5 metres of TTK BUS 8723 jumper cable to one end and and an end termination to the other allowing quick connection.
Acids Sense Cables
The FG-ACX sense cable is an analogue sense cable, compatible with FG-ALS8, FG-ALS4 and FG-A units. This cable can detect and pin-point leak location when connected to the locating units, and detects leaks without precise location mapping when connected to the non-locating unit.